A group of Bangladesh journalists went out to visit India, including four female and eight male journalists. After traveling to Bengal, this batch was coming to New Delhi on Tuesday by storm express via Agra. At one o’clock in the morning of Tuesday, when the train was open from Mathura station, an 18-20 year old man snatched with Bangladeshi journalist Nausheen Jahan Iti. The robber managed to escape with his bag. Nausheen works for the Bangladeshi news channel News24.
This batch of Bangladeshi journalists has come to India under the SAARC Tour organized by Dhaka University. This tour is organized by Bangladeshi government to develop experienced and trainee journalists from SAARC countries to understand South Asian countries.
“My seat was all along the gate. I was sleeping lightly with my bag attached to the womb. At Mathura station, a miscreant tried to snatch my bag. He pulled the bag so hard that I fell down from the train in an attempt to save the bag, ”said Nausheen.
The crook managed to escape with Nausheen’s bag. The bag contained his passport, 12,000 Indian rupees, 1000 Bangladeshi taka, phones and some jewelry. Assistant Editor of Nausheen’s partner Roar Bangla, Tahseen Mohammed told the newslaundry that we are more sad than going to the bag, that the miscreant tried to push Nausheen under the train, it could even kill him.
“Even after making noise, the coach people did not come to our help. We stopped the train pulling the chain of the train. There was neither police nor any doctor in the entire train. We asked TTI to help us, but he only advised us to lodge a case at Delhi station, ”added Tahsin.
Nausheen thanks the two soldiers of the Indian Army, who were traveling in the same coach. He told, “I fell unconscious after falling off the train. My friends and army personnel picked me up off the track. ”
A batch of Bangladeshi journalists said that “the young man who carried out the incident of Chinaiti was traveling with us to Mathura.” More people of his identity were traveling in the same coach. Army jawans traveling together consulted him a lot on their behalf. After the incident, we felt safe only by their trust. ”
A case could be registered only after the train reached New Delhi station at around 4.15 am. The New Delhi Railway Police has filed a zero FIR under sections 356 and 379 of the Indian Penal Code. Also, the New Delhi Railway Police has transferred the matter to Agra Railway Police.
Nausheen’s primary treatment could be done only after reaching Delhi about 3.30 hours after the incident. The police got him treated at Lady Harding Hospital. There were injuries to his right arm, shoulder and back. One leg has been broken. Bangladeshi woman journalist made it clear that this is a case of looting, she denied any incident of molestation.
“I went on a tour of India as a tourist. India and Bangladesh have had good relations on the international stage, but this one incident has shaken me, ”says Nausheen.
Mir Arshad-Al Haq, president of Dhaka University Working Journalists Association, was also a part of this batch. He said, “This is an unfortunate incident. We are sad that there were no police and doctors in the train. What happens in an emergency? We are in touch with Bangladesh High Commission and we hope to get Nausheen’s passport arranged soon. ”
Nausheen told Newslaundry that on Wednesday, Bangladesh High Commission issued him a temporary passport. Let us tell that till this story is written, the police have not got any clue about the robber.