Petrol and diesel prices have increased even on the completion of four years of Modi government. Between May 13 and May 26, the price of petrol has increased by Rs 3.86 and the price of diesel has been increased by Rs 3.26. At the end of the Karnataka elections, the newspapers had written that the price of four rupees per liter will increase, almost the same happened. That is, there was a preparation to increase the price, but Amit Shah said that the government is planning a plan to reduce it. More than a couple of days passed but no plan was revealed.
We all understand why the price of oil is increasing but only the minister sitting in the government should tell how he was selling Rs 35 per liter of oil while in opposition. If you cannot apologize for today’s lies, then you can apologize for the old spoken lies. The way the trap has been woven on social media, it tells how much respect this government has for the reasoning intelligence of the people.
Cutting Off The Oil Import
Read Shine Jacob’s report of Business Standard. In 2015, Prime Minister Modi said that by 2022 we will reduce oil imports by 10 percent. At this time, the import of oil has increased by 16.4 percent. Some say, something happens or they don’t know what to do and what to say.
When the government came, a lot of claims were made that coal mine licenses have been given. They have transparency. Do you know how many mines were operational and how many were not operational. If we know the reason for this, we will be sad to see how many lies of the government are exposed, it is better that we become devotees, at least we will not have to think.
The situation is that twice in two weeks, the government has written to Coal India to increase coal production and give it to the power companies because the demand has increased in the summer. Did the government not know that when electricity has reached, whether it is summer or winter, demand will also increase. The government is pretending to be hot but between September and December, the supply of coal was less. Electricity production was also affected in 2017 due to coal shortage. Production was down.
People who have retired now understand the trick of the new pension scheme. Those who are retiring under this scheme, which has been in place for 14-15 years, are getting 1200-1300 rupees in the name of pension. These people are also responsible for this. Do not understand the issues, get into the lurch, laziness, and look at yourself, leave the other and bite while doing. The result is that when you are looking at 1300 rupees in hand today, you do not know what to do. Modi Modi or Ram Ram.
The interest rate of EPFO Provident Fund has been the lowest in five years. 5 crore people will get 8.55 percent interest for 2017-18. This is the lowest since 2012-13.
See the losses of Punjab National Bank, State Bank of India, Bank of Baroda. Their loss is making history. IDBI’s gross NPA is 28 percent. A banker said that when the government claims that infrastructure is being worked on, investment is being made, then tell the same why the steel industry is in crisis. Why NPA is happening from steel industry We ordinary people do not understand the government’s fraud, but a picture of a banker is drawn. There is a Lakshmi Vilas Bank, which also has a loss of 600 crores.
The entire system of the bank is destroyed. Bank workers are working in such low salary that don’t ask. How can a bank clerk stay in the city of Delhi for a salary of Rs 17,500. How would you have lived in this salary anywhere. Now bankers are being scared of transfers and getting other work done by them. The government knows that the bank is in a state of dismantling. Therefore, give them the target of fake loan of Mudra loan and sometimes of Atal Pension Yojana.
Not only this, banks are also making Aadhaar cards. Even after all this, bankers’ salary is not increasing. Bankers perform outside the branches every evening after work is over. The lives of millions of bankers have been destroyed. His five years will never return. Fraud like demonetisation was considered as a country service. It is therefore important that citizens expand their understanding. Devotion can be done at any time.
The same situation is for two lakh Gramin Dak Sevaks. His salary has not increased. How would these people win for 5000 rupees? The government should give them salary considering that they are Hindus or they should tell the devotees that they are Hindus and they are suffering. Have been on strike for 12 days but no one is willing to talk to them. Rural post servants are being treated inhumanely.
See the sting of Cobrapost. I always keep a distance about the sting, but its facts should be investigated. If we just keep ignoring, then be prepared for the dangers that you have not imagined. Because they will hit you like millions of bankers. The sting shows that the mobile company Paytm Company has given its data to the government.
If the same thing had happened in America, there would have been a ruckus. Ravi Shankar Prasad was daring Facebook, can we do anything on Paytm after this sting? In the coming elections, the game will be from Big Data. He has been prepared. Those who understand this topic have been telling for a long time. Let’s see what is happening.
But what is the sector for which the government can celebrate? I think there are two sectors. One lies and other bigotry. A political culture thrives in every government era. In the era of Modi government, lies are the new government culture. When the Prime Minister lies, what should the other person say. The second culture is that of bigotry. Many organizations that have joined the Bharatiya Janata Party and the RSS.
They have become standing and do the work for them, but they are different so that slander does not come on them.
This government fails on the job front. Ask a young person who is preparing for the exam. The railway loudly announced that one lakh recruits are being fired. While there is 2.5 lakh vacancy in railway. Do you know that it has been two months since the forms have been filled, yet the date of examinations has not been released. There is propaganda about AIIMS, do you know that 80 percent of non technical staff posts in 6 AIIMS are vacant. More than 20,000.
Am I opposing Modi, talking about youth jobs? Then you tell me what Modiji is for. Their ministers are for what. Then let the youth say that we do not want a job. You should not talk about our jobs. I leave the job thing.
The four years of government are years of reasoning and pickling facts. The government has put pickle of all these so that there will be no vegetables with bread, then you can eat bread with this pickle. You are being shown magic, you see magic.